Friday 29 January 2016

A Pledge

Photo Courtesy- Google

Laying here

I wondered about the lost passion

His words echoed in my ears

'You Indians'

Anger or sympathy

Which do I choose?

A word to break hearts

A word to split friendships

A phone call upset me this much

Why should it?

Someone tried to raise his hatred

Be proud of who you are

If there is no dirt you will not polish your shoe

My love is back

No matter what you call me

I still love you

I am a proud Indian

I will not sink down to your level

Whoever you are, you are not proud of yourself

I am proudly British too

I respect

I love

And I salute and take my hat off to all flags

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Scent Of Earth

Photo Courtesy - Google

Walking through the flower field

Spreading  hands to the clouds

Whispering  breeze brought the flair

And I sensed the beautiful rain

The scent of earth in my thoughts

I wrote your name under the umbrella

The butterflies brought the colours

And I splashed it over your face

Swarm of bees tried to snatch your love

I could see you turn your head

Who knows whom you love?

But I know your name is sunflower

The sky is clear, the wings are back

My shoes are wet but do I care?

Eyes are sleepy - I need to rest

And I dream about white lilies

Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Robber

Photo Courtesy - Google

You the robber

Sneaky cheek

Came like a cold

I sneezed, you geek

You were stubborn

Wandering around

Looking for attention

But I declined

I felt the pain

You carried so grand

I greet with a tweet

You shook my hand

You the conqueror

Took over me

In your hands

I’m no longer free

In my hot flesh

You found ecstasy

Here I suffered

For your fantasy

The pain I am having

How will you care

You the burglar

I’m in an affair

Saturday 23 January 2016


Photo Courtesy - Google

In the balcony we enjoyed the show

The burning hearts

We pretended we did not see

Actors we too praised

Who is the best performer?

In the frame who will win?

I looked at you

Your eyes were always on the screen

I am here

I waved at you

You were enjoying the acting

My anger you did not see

For my pain you didn't care

I continued to be in the show

And I wondered why you were so interested

You made me win

I chose to play comedy

You are the reader

You never open the portrait within you

Let me show you

The winners act

How long will it take

How far will it go

I will reach the heights

And will be preparing my last show

I will not take you there

You still watch

Because your pride will not come down

And my love will get offers

And I will sell that to my last breath

Thursday 21 January 2016


Photo Courtesy - FB Share


I hung on to the word

Driving me crazy

Request for help

Demand to stop

Am I for real?

On the pitch

The soccer player scored

Who will worry about the key he holds?

Droning bees

Drilled the honeycomb

Badger was around to destroy the hive

Bewildered in the spire

I wrote

Lunatic, you and me

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Shining Star

Photo Courtesy - FB Share

This morning I saw you up there

Shining through the dark cloud

I asked you where is your glare

In your silence I sighed aloud

Creepy wind ushered the theme

And you took the lace from my hair

In the gust I kept my beam

No-one noticed how much I care

The charm you brought in

I braced in the stream

You may have forgotten the good old grin

The sky is glowing with your beam

I wish your gleam was always near

Be my friend that I would share

For your flares I gladly cheer

Your time up there is all too rare

Tuesday 19 January 2016


Photo Courtesy - FB Share

In the scrapbook, lots of scribbles

Waiting for the beacon to reach out

End of the rain, I see skittles

Soothing me from the winter’s blue

I felt jealous of the crops in her farm

And I moaned about the seasons’ change

The fluttering wings will bring the charm

Or they may be lost in the sighs I made

I wrapped up in the coat; went for a walk

He waved with a booklet and muttered roughly

I was thinking about the folks working on the block

Life moves on with each period that comes

Monday 18 January 2016

Unspoken Love

Photo Courtesy - Google

When the thoughts were laid bare

He found relief that he’d missed so long

The memories were sublime

Whispered under the flame

She was soft and modest

Writing his name closer to her heart

Hiding the feeling under the garments

Wonders of love made her blush

Departure was impending and so it happened

Love stories carried heart to heart

Tears were shed and they parted

Love has to end or more to choose

Sharing is caring, maybe he felt

And I set a fire to burn it

The girl I knew may be listening to his soul

Death is inevitable, and that was her fate

Friday 15 January 2016


Stepping stones

Photo Courtesy - Google

Stepping stones are laid out

For me and you to jump on

Balance with me I bet you

Oh my friend, I like your spin

I was watching you twist and turn

The way you did it I could not

How you paced yourself

I was following you but forgot

On your bounce you loved

The winner’s smile of victory

The edge of stones are risky

And I cared for you in the misery

I was blessed when you finished

Stones are there but I will repair

You too leap without a fall

Oh my friend, I will swear

Tuesday 12 January 2016


Photo Courtesy - Google

Every day we exchange glances

No-one notices but we both know

The stories we swap

No-one hears them

Sometimes you wear dirty clothes

Other times you have suits and boots

Both times I look the same at you

How can I change your ways?

Sometimes you appear anxious

And gazing at the ticking clock

I will flip the journals in my hand

I do it just to annoy you

Watching you from the other side of the track

The fun of life is not ending

Your face may change but its expression does not

That is what I see in the station day by day

Monday 11 January 2016

The One....

Photo Courtesy FB Share

In my eyes you were the one

In your eyes I was one of many

The fun was always there

The dreams were often lengthy

Your name was in the frame

I was rather doubtful

Talks were part of the game

But I remained thoughtful

Babblers brought the melodies

You were always in my thoughts

We moved away like enemies

I missed you when tied up in knots              

You were always just a heartbeat away

Sometimes I struggled without your presence

When I left you in the doorway

You didn’t see my regrets at your absence

I want your guidance to start again

But we’ve both changed, I’m all too aware

I tried to keep you in my chain

But I have to accept that you’re not always there

The Sun

Photo Courtesy -FB Share

Nowadays I see you in pictures

Wishing to see you near and dear

Waiting for you to rise

O my sun, I miss your cheer

The wings are there but the nest is empty

Longing to see the nestling there

Every day it caught my eyes

I wonder when you will bring your flare

The leaves have fallen, trees are bare

The love is lost in nature’s look

The water is frozen, chilly weather

Hope to see the wings in the brook

My garden is messy, weeds are growing

Miseries bounding in my notions

Please do not delay, the need is here

You are the one that can change my emotions

Friday 8 January 2016

Empty Nest

Photo Courtesy- FB Share

Playing with words

Or in with fire

I burned

The blisters bubbled

And I lost confidence

Wandering mind

Created enigma

In the meadow

I strolled for some reason

Empty nest of hope

And the love birds of happiness

Both caught my eyes

Like the mirage

Both played their part

Perplexed and thrown

In the desert of the real

I waited for the magic to work

Phases of Friendship

Photo Courtesy - Google


Stranger, you came with a smile
Sweet and sour
Pit in my gut


Holding you near
I whispered
You are the love of my life
And I emptied you
Without regret

In your snugness
I squeeze you hard
You have promised to stay
Until I bestow


In his heart
He displayed
Me and the things I love
What a friend that I adore!!!


Love or hate
He will remind me
Of all the chores

Tuesday 5 January 2016

For a Friend

Photo Courtesy- FB Share

She wrote
At least I am good for something

I replied
You are good for everything;
But their eyes are not good enough to see that

And in my script I entered
Thank you my friend
Being unknown, you are always known
Not seeing each other, we are always friends
When you travel the extra mile to help;
Your name is carried too
At least some will remember your name
And the good deeds you do in your job

Monday 4 January 2016

Midnight Dreams

Photo Courtesy - Friend

Holidays all over
Sunday perished with echoes in heart
Preparations done for the next working day
I laid as the distress began to smart
When the flight touched my dream land
Happiness rushed to my spine
My hair bounced in the breeze
And his  fragrance made my senses shine
I missed you so much; I mumbled
The sands of his foot prints flew in the air
I am not going back I shouted
The wind carried it without any care
A creaky noise made me wake
The clock ticked and the shadow moved in fright
Was it him that I had been waiting for?
The blade in his hand sparkled in the twilight
His voice disturbed my ears
I ignored him in my midnight dream
The vein did not make a sound when it burst
And I slept on his hand to continue unseen