Monday 23 June 2014

Shiva & Me

Photo Courtesy - Google
I wish to paint his face with the colour of my heart
The calmness I found in his reflection made me concerned
I tried to hold the brush with my shivering hand
I focus on the canvas rather than watching his aura
I can feel the emotions passing through my brain
His eyes are convincing the aimlessness of retention
I could sense the wealth of happiness around him
His amused face glowing in the darkness of my mind
I puzzled to create the portrait of fantasy
My doodles are mimicking my dubious mind
I kept a brave face and tried to sketch his portrait
My instinct shouted at myself not to accept the failure
The deviousness of frail humanity obsessed my strength
I tried to outlined his features from the image I stole
The success of the winner overrides my innocence
I looked at him with the face of accomplished champion
All I could gather was the grievance of wretchedness
I closed my eyes with the mixed feeling of despair
I picked up all the pebbles of purity from my inner
The tears of excitement run without consent
I bent on my knee and bowed my head with open arms
I mumbled him to endow me the generosity of God
I could attain the vibes of blissfulness inside my heart

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