Wednesday 2 December 2015


Photo Courtesy- Google

December cold

I wanted to write

But ran out of themes

Is my fantasy coming to an end?

I struggled

Give me a topic

He didn’t answer

I wonder, has He answered anyone yet?

I tried to work around love

Where I left it last time

No time for sympathy

As most will abuse the empathy

I hit hard until I got the pain

All the bones cried for rest

Bring my creativity

I shouted until I broke into sweat

I sat

Nothing worked

At last I wrote

I needed a break

I looked at the moving cloud

Top of the building I saw the resting birds

The nest in the tree was empty

But there is hope

The summer will come and the wings too

I put the music on

No matter what is left

There is always a reason to move forward

And I smiled

I am in love

In love with everything I come across

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