Wednesday 4 February 2015

Finding Fun


Photo Courtesy - Google  

I don’t care if you hate me

I am finding fun with him

I am talking to him from the morning

Between hectic work and challenges

I am finding fun with him

I am writing emails to men

They are replying as fast as they can

I am finding fun with them

Life is to enjoy

What comes next accept with a smile

He wrote and wrote

His computer is broken

I found fun in that

I smiled and didn’t say he will get a new one

I am finding fun in that

Inbox is flooding with emails

Moans around when passing calls

I am finding fun in everything

Boomerang is a good game

I don’t like to wait

I am impatient

If he makes me wait

I will kick him

I am finding fun in that

Be active and not be lazy

Do it as fast as you can

Life is to enjoy

I find fun in everything I do

So no one will complain

Life is not complaining

It’s too short to whimper

Grumpies will show their face

Just find fun in them too

As you know the world is there for you to live

Just live and let live.


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