Monday 23 June 2014

Friend A Memory

Photo Courtesy - Me

Rain or shine he will wait for me
He will welcome me with his nods
He shake his wings to entertain me
My busy days he eases me down
My lazy days I doze and he will nod
A day full of fun he will bring to me
He is the pal who supports me always
I call him the ‘Ark’ and he will waggle
He was the playmate of my buddy
I fancied him the day I saw him
My eyes always follow his moves
My mind moving with his rythms
I wish to see him close to my heart
I hesitate to ask his friendship
A friend will understand a pals need
He was given to me as a present
A big smile on my face and I shout
Isn’t he beautiful! no need to agree
He is my wonderful friend on my desk
He nods and I nod with him all day every day

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