Tuesday 30 August 2022

 The true event inspired my writing.

Story Line- ✍️❤️❤️❤️With love and care we could change the life of any living/non-living thing

Deserted Heart

On my walk I spotted a deserted heart
Like many, I too neglected, thinking of its lost purity
An echoing impulse,
I picked up the heart on my way
One night stand, the heart was treasured
One night stand, the heart was stunning
One night stand, the heart was dearest
Next day,
Ended up by the roadside with a hole in the heart
Heart was blanched in the storm of dust
Heart was scratched by someone's brace
Heart was aching but no-one took heed
Broken heart,
Whispered its tale to the hand wrapped around it
Heart was cleansed
Heart was painted
Heart was sewed up
Amused in the breeze
Heart swayed with Love

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