Tuesday 30 August 2022

Evening Dew- Ireland Trip

Beautiful valleys welcoming with evening dews
Misty fogs pampered the mountain top
Moving clouds glittered in the sunny spell
Shrubs in the town swaying in the chilled breeze
Folks were amused by the made up myths
The horse rider was blabbering all the way
In his dreams, he was counting the tip at the end of the trip
Banter and laughs coloured the evening dews
He was calm and carried all the weight
His hoofs were tuning the music of the day
The raindrops wrapped his sight from the path
The drizzles brought his pain to the earth
I tried to withdraw myself from him
He pulled me so close that I could not breathe
I wanted to run away from that crazy love
But my tears rolled and I lost control
In the silence, I wished to walk with him
Maybe I could absorb some of his thoughts
The shows will continue in every scene
I closed the chapter to wake up to the new page

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