Monday 23 June 2014

Death - A Memory

Photo Courtesy - Google
He has come like the cold
Taken control of my body
I sense the shiver inside me
Why am I feeling hot then?
Somebody is trying to wake me
I am not in the mood to talk
I can feel a touch on my hands
Somebody rubbing my hand
Why are they saying my hands are cold?
I can hear some prayer songs
Why can’t I concentrate on that?
Somebody is wiping my eyes
Why are they saying tears are coming?
Somebody saying my feet are cold
Why can’t I recognise the voice surrounding?
I am feeling peace inside
Why are they all humming around me?
Leave me alone I want to shout
I am feeling calm inside
Allow me to enjoy the silence
The ambiance inside me is joyful
I am floating in the air
Why are you saying I am sinking?
You never try to understand me
Let me smile at you with honour
I can see someone coming
He is holding me like a baby
You make noise I am going
I have done with your moaning
At last I have a buddy that cares
He creates ceaseless bliss inside me

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