Wednesday 25 May 2016

Waiting for you

Photo Courtesy- Google

                                                             Thinking about
                                                          you in the autumn,
                                                      lawn is greener waiting 
                                                       for your footsteps and
                                                         watching the rays of                       yours,
                                                         grinning you spread                     your gleam.
                                                         i wonder why you                  wake up so early,
                                                        i see birds on the                   fence getting a tan
                                                      and your flares                     shining on their feathers
                                                    No wonder why                        you admire the view  
                                                I start watering the                        plants on the ground
                                             you create rainbows in                       the showers of mist
                                          the breeze bringing the                            fragrance of love
                                       the bees buzzing around                              relishing the buds.
                                    the sunflower twists herself                             to make you see
                                  i feel annoyed telling her off but                             she snubs me
                                I whisper I am not ready to share                   your love with anyone                
                               you whistle to the cloud that comes                 across and travels far
                               I laugh at you pointing at the piece of         mist that is glowing behind
                              the butterfly robs the honey I saved         for you to have in the night
                               the leaves start telling the stories of       the days you miss in the east
                               I begin to compose the music that         will amuse when you emerge
                               the birds fight when I throw the grains to keep them busy in the plot
                               I do not like the way they act  but I keep calm smiling at your ways     
                               the time is a reminder to let you go where stars are blinking at you
                               in the twilight I create a portrait      with the shadows to keep you in
                               another day of hope I stay here        waiting just to see you again


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