Thursday 28 April 2016


                        The                                             day
                     I painted                                     the  field
                  Where you                              started your life
              I sketched a heart                      that belongs to you
           The colours I selected                    you might not approve
        You never assured with love         words that I wished to hear
     Floating in the cloud I saw the          rainbows that hid in between
  I called them to join me on the        journey of friendship we shared
Instead they revealed the insight  of your heart you concealed so long
I wondered how they recognised you better but I wispered to you more
Emptied in thoughts I came and asked you how you passed your day
There was nothing to exchange, and the hours passed like minutes
I pointed to the garden of flowers where the sun made them blush
 There were bees buzzing to grab some honey in the meadow
   Their wings spread the charm to buds with colours of love
      With rays of hope I wished to hear a solo from you
         You chuckled and labelled me the day dreamer
             How could I tell you what was in my mind
               I puzzled with your choice of colours
                    Red I chose to impress you
                       The portrait dangled  
                          Could I read you?
                            I heard again
                              The word


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