Thursday, 1 September 2022




Strike strike

Strike against starvation 

Strike strike 

Strike against inflation


Cost of living increased 

Cost of petrol increased 

Cost of bills increased 

The cost of work decreased 


Strike strike 

Stroke against low wages

Strike strike

Strike against changing policies 


Millions rewarded shareholders 

Millions shredded for directors

Millions wasted on impressions

A million workers shouted pay rise


Strike strike

Strike for voice to be heard

Strike strike

Strike for resolution 



Echoes of rich get richer

Echoes of  poor get poorer

Echoes of poverty 

Echoes are echoed 



Strike strike

Strike against God

Strike strike

Strike against delusion

Whispers of the Wind

  Blowing wind winding down the earth, Sweeping away the rain of birth. Shaking trees, rustling the branches, Falling leaves dissolve whe...