Thursday 30 April 2015


Photo courtesy- My collection

Humming birds in sunny spells
Morning with the rhythm of love
Up in the air he flashed himself
In the wave she dashed herself

Buzzing bees were all around
Waiting for her response
The beats created the melody
In the magic it seduced the bounding

Flourished in blossom she beamed
He delighted in her dancing blooms
The honey melted on his bottom lip
She bowed  herself in her shyness

Laying lazily she watched him
Flirting fun of lust and laughs
As in the air love filled rhymes
Tuned in the heart of loved  ones.

Friday 24 April 2015

Lindor Fun

Photo Courtesy - Google
Love filled red, lover of red
I paint red, my garden is red
In the sunrise, he looked red
In his covering I smiled at him

He spread the redness  on me
Inviting me to join the passion
The red roses hid their eyes
His reflection made them blink

His expression to unwrap him
I was enjoying his red round figure
Aroused him and amused me
Finding fun in the red round wrap

Exciting him enjoying me
Pleasure of unwrapping him
In my mouth he melts
And that was his end, not mine

Wednesday 22 April 2015


Photo Courtesy - Google

Wandering you
Smiled on me
You are the owner
And I am in control

Tears of burden
Years of abuse
Tired of living
But still breathing

Cracked in the shade
Lost one’s faith
Cursed being born
But carried by you

Caring fingers
Pampered the curls
Furnished in gilt
To bring my beauty

Your vulnerability
Cherished me
Being classy
Raised the value

Impressed eyes
Increased the price
As in a market
I found my place.

Friday 17 April 2015

Imaginary Friend

Photo Courtesy - My own collection

On the top of the tomb
He looked wonderful
Smiled through his eyes
Inviting me to join

When I hesitated 
Groovy soul
Strolled with me
Telling stories of pals to amuse

With the cracked voice
He spoke about her
In the battle, martyr prised
Lost in love she lost herself

In the distress
She played with a knife
For relief she bruised
As in self-harm chopped herself

The pain I saw
Disturbed  the inner
But he was content
As his waiting was over

Thursday 16 April 2015


Photo Courtesy - Google

In the downpour
When I accused
You were silent
Aroused the storm

Your calmness
Raised the rage
Lightened to burn
Yelling to wipe out

Peaceful you
Hungered me
On my approach
You were weakening

Terrified you
Gazed at the downfall
In my excitement
You were the wounded

In my pleasure
You were the dupe
In my desire
You satisfied my needs

In my web
You will be courting
When you copulate
I will wrap you

In your success
You will have me
And my wish
To eat you alive

Tuesday 14 April 2015


Photo Courtesy- Google

As in my dream you were gentle
I loved the moments we shared
In my chase you hid
And you made me worried

She was relaxing on your bank
On her flash I felt jealous
I whinged about her tanning
You were amused at my tantrum

You invited her with your charm
She was pleased in your branch
You swung her with your leap
On your excitement I felt annoyed

I took you back in my fantasy
In my impasse you may weary
Being the Alice in the Wonderland
I promise you will not miss the fun

Monday 13 April 2015


Photo Courtesy- Google (1)- (2) my own collection

It was a dalliance
But it was beautiful
Memories faded
Remained demure

Babbling breeze
Carried  the rhythm
The drizzling mist
Brought the aura

Talisman toiled
Love sparkled
Beaming blossom
inspired the melody

Sudden stroke
Weakened the brain
Dizzy spells
Tangled in opulence

Blooming sun
Rubbed the tears
Faith in self
Lilting the soil

Wednesday 8 April 2015


Photo Courtesy -Google

In my happiness I want you around
So I don't miss the delights 
In my excitement I want you around
So I don't miss the madness

Oh my pal, I am a day dreamer
Be the chief and lead the brood
I am sick of seeing the egotistic
Thinking of enjoying someone’s modesty

In the concept you are realistic
I can leave the woes to you
In our friendship dreams are set
Pick the fruit we work together

To make the difference I need you around
You are my faith and I will be the star
In the twilight be the flare
So in the darkness I won't be alone

Tuesday 7 April 2015


Photo Courtesy- Google

In your wait
You caught my eye
Like me
Are you waiting for the sun to emerge?

You hid and left me in the cold
I am tired of covering myself
Send me your brightness
So my feathers will glow with your sunniness

The buds are waiting to flourish
Your delays will wound their faith
Some may follow you to have your colour
But is it worth chasing or the wait to arrive?

Like them I too wait
As long as the hopes are there
Dreams are true
Destiny will bring you in

Saturday 4 April 2015


Photo Courtesy -Google

In the passion
The words of fondness
Love that kills, one who is scared
Forever left with blurred images

In the bay
The name I wrote you washed away
Thou may refuse
Still I proceed

In thy silence
I may weep
Oh my sailor
Why are you missing?

In the storm waves
I was terrified
In thy roughness
When will he emerge?

In my waiting
He shall not appear
But I will find love
The darkness thou gives.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Broken Dreams

Photo Courtesy -Google 

Beneath you, I gaze
The world is beautiful through you
I script the Dreams
The blues drift us apart

The Willow looked beautiful
But the nest  was empty.
Where is the humming bird?
In my anticipation I lost myself

In the cold breeze I saw you
You came to ease or give comfort
I wish to hear some tweets
In the frame you are in the other side

You have choices 
The shattered dreams unfulfilled
The pain may stay
But life moves on with the seasons